Reasons Why You Might Need An Tooth ImplantIf you want a dental implant but you do not know if you can handle such an intervention, you should know that the ideal patient meets a few conditions. Why Highlands Ranch dental offices say implants might be right for you if:

  • you lost one or more teeth and want to replace them
  • you do not want to affect other teeth, as required by a dental bridge
  • you do not want or tolerate the classical acrylic dentures
  • you want an aesthetic and functional result, as close as possible to the natural appearance of the teeth

Stages of dental implant treatment

  • Clinical consultation
  • Para clinic investigations (ex RX, CT, laboratory analysis)
  • Surgery for inserting implants
  • Period of 4-6 months of implant integration
  • Working on implants
  • Post-treatment follow-up: hygiene, regular control every 6 months, for two years.

Advantages of a dental implant

  • The replacement of the root of the missing tooth with an implant is done without affecting the neighboring teeth and involves a minor surgery
  • The dental implant is fixed compared to classic treatment, which involves the creation of mobile dental prosthesis
  • It stops bone resorption and prevents gingival retraction
  • It removes the phonetic and masticatory difficulties that occur with mobile prosthesis treatment
  • A dental implants is high-precision, with aesthetic and functional results far superior to classical dental prosthesis
  • It offers the possibility to choose between several types of materials, according to your aesthetic preferences and budget.