If you want to keep your teeth for a long time, you must practice good oral hygiene. You should also ensure your diet is rich in nutrients like vitamins. 

Nearly 4 billion people around the world are affected by oral disease. Those who have it may not suspect the unwanted appearance has a strong relationship with their diet too. 

What vitamins are good for teeth? You will learn which vitamins you need and why in the next few minutes. 

What Vitamins Are Good for Teeth Health?

Every vitamin is beneficial for the teeth in one way or another. Vitamins work together to keep your teeth strong, healthy. They help prevent dental and gum issues. Maintaining oral health with food is just as important as brushing.

If you have a vitamin deficiency, there’s no need to fret. Thankfully, it is treatable so long as you correct it.

While you can consume vitamins at any time of the day, you will increase uptake when you separate water from fat-soluble vitamins. You can bring your vitamin levels back to maintenance much quicker this way. 

Vitamin A

Vitamin A is known for its importance in good eye health, but it is also just as vital or the teeth. The body uses it to form and regulate tissues everywhere, including those that surround the teeth and mucous membranes. 

When these areas are healthy, the mouth is able to produce saliva. We appreciate saliva since it keeps our oral cavity moist. It also serves as a way to clean bacteria and debris from the mouth. 

Saliva is the first line of defense created for the mouth. By keeping germs at bay, issues like cavities and tooth decay are prevented. The mouth can also heal at a faster rate and the vitamin is a major nutrient for building strong enamel. 

Vitamin A is a common source in foods like red meat and fruits and vegetables like sweet potatoes and kale.  

B Vitamins 

There are several B vitamins your body needs to regulate itself. For healthy gum, you should consume vitamins B2 (riboflavin), B3 (niacin), and B12 (cobalamin).

The trio help improves overall oral health. Proper levels can also prevent halitosis, or bad breath, and the appearance of mouth or canker sores. These sores are prevented because B vitamins help reduce oral inflammation. 

These vitamins may be found in foods like legumes, dairy, almonds, and dark greens such as spinach. 

Vitamin C  

Pirates back in the day would suffer from sickness and tooth loss due to scurvy. In modern times, it is a condition that is more likely to affect the homeless. Still, anyone can get scurvy or other dental issues if they don’t take enough vitamin C.

Vitamin C is loaded with antioxidants that are essential for the creation and maintenance of healthy gums. The blood uses the vitamin to boost blood vessels and connective tissue in your mouth that support your teeth. If vitamin C is low, you can experience gingivitis, gum disease, or loosening of the teeth. 

If you have problems with your gums, it could also progress to your teeth. Fruits like kiwi and citrus fruits like oranges are high in vitamin C. Dark vegetables like broccoli are too. 

Vitamin D 

Most people are aware of the benefits vitamin D brings to strong bones and teeth. It plays a large role in helping the body absorb calcium. In its absence, the absorption of calcium from food is impaired. 

Long term deficiency can lead to gum issues, tooth decay, and osteoporosis. You can get your daily dose of vitamin by soaking in the sunlight for at least 15-20 minutes. Most people don’t do this often or long enough to reach therapeutic levels. 

Getting enough vitamin D through your food is the best option. Foods like egg yolks, fatty fish, dairy, mushrooms, and fortified foods have a food source of the vitamin. 

Vitamin E 

Vitamin E is also linked to gum health and preventing periodontal diseases because of its anti-inflammatory properties. It can relax swelling in the mouth. Since it is also rich in antioxidants, it can fight the oxidation of the gums. 

If gums are highly oxidized, a host of issues can occur whether acute or chronic. Be sure to upkeep your gum health by eating vitamin E rich foods like nuts, seeds, oils, fatty, fish, and avocados. 

Vitamin K 

Vitamin K can be thought of as the body’s shield due to its ability to protect bones. It has two three forms, K1, K2, and K3. 

K2, in particular, does have a minor role in the oral cavity. It is able to activate osteocalcin, a necessary protein for bone metabolism. K2 can also help with the formation of new dentin for your teeth. 

K2 may be able to slow the rate at which we lose teeth as we age. It works with K3 to send calcium to the teeth for utilization. 

Vitamin K is also a clot-forming vitamin to aid in healing. You may be more likely to bleed when levels are low such as when you are flossing. Vitamin K is mostly found in dark greens like collards, broccoli, and Brussel sprouts. 

Be Confident at Your Dental Visits

A trip do the dentist doesn’t have to be a nightmare. Dentists have the knowledge and experience to help you when you have a problem and offer solutions. Of course, it’s best to have regular check-ups with a dentist to prevent issues from happening in the first place. 

You can show off your healthy mouth when you take care of your teeth by brushing and flossing and eating your vitamins. If you want to know what vitamins are good for teeth, the answer is all of them. Eating a little bit of everything ensures you receive all the nutrients your body needs. 

If you are seeking a comfortable and caring approach to dental care from a staff that will treat you like family, contact us

We have 5 branches and offer no pressure or judgment to our patients. We’ll even give you a free Sonicare toothbrush. What better way to care for your mouth between visits?