Sedation dentistry is a new method invented to help patients suffering from dental phobia. The process uses medication to induce a state of calmness and relaxation during the Highlands Ranch dental treatment and to help the patients overcome their fear of the procedure and of the dentist.
Though the process is often referred to as sleep dentistry, this is not an entirely accurate name. There are several different levels of sedation available for interventions performed on sedated patients, from very mild sedation, when the patient feels only a slight dizziness, to moderate sedation, after which the patient does not remember much of the procedure experienced, to deep sedation that takes the patient to the edge of consciousness and to complete anesthesia.
Depending on the chosen intensity of the sedation, the drug used for inducing the sedation will be administered in the form of pills, in the form of a gas called nitrous oxide inhaled by the patient or in the form intravenous injections. Whatever type of sedation is chosen, the process will probably start with the administration of a local anesthetic administered to the area that will be treated by the dentist to make sure the patient does not experience even the slightest discomfort or pain.